Morning sickness is the most common symptom in early pregnancy and may be the first indicator of pregnancy for many women. Although this symptom is unpleasant and affects your daily life, it will not harm you or your baby. On the contrary, it means your placenta is growing well. More than 50% of women feel nausea and vomiting morning and night. 25% of pregnant women felt only nausea, and the remaining 25% had no symptoms. It usually occurs within the first four months of pregnancy, and the symptoms subside between 12 and 14 weeks of pregnancy.

The Cause of Morning Sickness

The cause of morning sickness is unclear. The main factors include increased hormone levels. You may experience severe morning sickness during your first pregnancy, but it can be more mild during your subsequent pregnancies. If you are twins or triplets, the reaction to morning sickness will be more severe. However, other factors include elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), elevated estrogen levels, stomach problems and nutritional deficiencies (vitamin B6 deficiency in the diet) that can cause morning sickness. Here are some of the things we give you to know about morning sickness.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Nausea varies in intensity and usually does not cause enough problems to seek medical attention. However, 1 to 2% of pregnant women experience a very severe form of nausea and vomiting called Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). Hyperemesis gravidarum is more severe than normal morning sickness for reasons that can be harmful to both you and your baby. This can cause a lot of vomiting and as a result,  the patient loses nutrients and fluids. This condition requires specialist treatment and sometimes hospitalization. If you find yourself vomiting several times a day and continue to do so, see a gynaecologist as soon as possible.

Food ingested during the first year of pregnancy is likely to make you prone to morning sickness. If you eat a lot of saturated fats such as those found in cheese and red meat, you may experience severe morning sickness during pregnancy. If you are planning to get pregnant, reduce your intake of these foods. To reduce the risk of morning sickness, try taking a multivitamin regularly before you become pregnant. If your nausea or vomiting is very severe, you cannot swallow fluids, your urine volume is small but usually very dark, when you feel dizzy or dizzy, your heart is racing, or you vomit blood, you must immediately call your doctor for immediate rescue.


Except for taking medicine, here are some tips for dealing with morning sickness:

Need More Rest
  • Tired can aggravate morning sickness. Take a nap after dinner, but don’t go to bed right away. Take a pregnant pillow and place it between your knees for better sleep.

Manage Your Food
  • Reduce to having on spicy, oily food or caffeinated foods, which can increase stomach acid and cause some discomfort.

  • Each meal should be broken up into smaller meals. Avoid an empty stomach, which increases the risk of nausea.

  • Before you get up in the morning, try eating some soda crackers.

  • Eating foods high in protein and carbohydrates, such as bread, rice and salty snacks like crisps, and foods low in fat may help reduce symptoms.

  • Drink plenty of water or other fluids. Avoid cold, sour or sweet drinks.

  • Avoid empty stomach.

Keep Happy
  • Stay active during pregnancy. You can do anything you like, such as reading, cooking, exercising or walking.

  • Drink water before and after meals, not during meals. If you find it difficult to drink 8 glasses of water, you can add some apple cider vinegar or honey to the water.

Peppermint Tea or Ginger
  • Peppermint tea helps relieve stress and anxiety. A cup of mint tea might be a good idea after dinner.

    Ginger has been shown to ease your nausea. Ginger helps improve digestion and reduces pain. This is a home remedy for nausea. Now add ginger to your drink or eat ginger candy.

Wear Loose Clothing
  • You may feel uncomfortable wearing pre-pregnancy clothes because they may be too tight for you. Wear comfortable maternity clothes and you can relieve nausea.

Vitamin & Supplement
  • If you want to take vitamins and supplements, talk to your doctor. You can take vitamins with a snack in the evening. Vitamin B6 may help with nausea.

Avoid Screen Flicker
  • If you’re a working mom who works at a computer for at least eight hours a day, try enlarging your font and filling your screen with soft light green to protect your eyesight.

To Avoid Triggering
  • Strong odors can aggravate your nausea because you are more sensitive to smell. Avoid odors that can trigger nausea and try lemon drops or a slice of lemon to relieve symptoms.

Remember, if you plan to take any medication to relieve morning sickness, be sure to talk to your doctor.